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Interview : About K-pop Open Stage by Alena

Interview: About K-pop Open Stage by Alena

Photography / 🔗Klaas

Could you introduce yourself?

I’m Alena, the face behind Konnecting Dance, and we just finished our third K-pop Dance Open Stage here in Hanover. Well, technically, it’s a bit outside of Hanover. in Kronsberg, but we had a really nice location, a great stage, and around 200 people came. It was a day full of K-Pop dance, fun, community, and enjoyment.

What is Konnecting Open Stage?

The concept behind Open Stage is to invite everyone who usually might not go to a competition or might not get accepted—basically, rookies in the dance community—to give them a stage, an open platform to express themselves with their own dance shows. We provide them with four or five different concepts to think about, allowing them to experiment, try out different choreographies, or create their own. It’s really about creativity, community, and expression.

Why is it just one month before the Konnecting Dance Contest?

So, the Open Stage is happening for the third time in a row. This year was a bit complicated with locations. We originally booked another place, but it got canceled, so we had to quickly find a new location. This was the only one available for any date this year, so it was either this date or nothing. That’s why it’s one month before the contest. Usually, we do it before summer break, and then a few months later in September, we have the contest, so there’s more time in between.

Why did you create Open Stage?

The reason behind Open Stage is mostly because of my dance students. I teach weekly classes at our dance school, Move in Style. The students are young and so full of potential. Some have been dancing with me for up to four years, and seeing them develop their own dance personalities is so inspiring. I wanted to give back to them by providing a space to perform. Many of my students came today, and it was really nice.

You wanted to help them experience the stage?

Exactly. I want to give them the opportunity to experience the stage for the first time, gather more stage experience, and discover who they are as dancers. In cover dance, it’s challenging to find your own style since you’re mostly covering others. Open Stage gives them a little kickstart.

Why did you invite Kpopper?

Well, first and foremost, because I saw your viral fancams. They kept popping up in my algorithm, and I thought, “Oh my God, who is that? What’s happening here?” I wanted to invite you to another event this year, Summer K-Day, but we had to cancel it. Since Hanover doesn’t have many regular random dances, when we do have one, it has to be cool and epic. Of course, Kpopper can’t miss out because fancams are vital for random dances these days. I really like your content and the page, so I thought, why not ask?

At least two random dances a year in Hanover would be great!

I’m working on it! I saw some people trying to start regular random dances, but it hasn’t caught on yet. I’m trying to connect with those people so we can maybe work together. I’m always open to posting or announcing it, but I just don’t have the time to organize it myself.

Event snaps by 🔗Klaas

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